An automated 24-hour/day answering system allows you to leave a message or to speak with the staff member of your choice. Please listen carefully to the recorded staff directory to dial the correct extension.
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday ~ 8:00am-3:00pm
Friday ~ 8:00am-Noon
Any other time you may leave a message on our answering machine and we will return your call as soon as possible.
In the event of a pastoral emergency after hours, please call Steve Mennicke at (352) 690-1623.
Church Fax
(352) 622-5564
Who To Contact
To become a Communicant member of St. John:
We invite anyone interested in membership to contact the Church Office (629-1794, ext. 2) or church.office@stjohnocala.org) for specifics. We will be happy to meet with anyone interested in membership.
For a Pastoral Meeting or Visit
Call the Church Office (629-1794, ext. 2 or church.office@stjohnocala.org) to make an appointment
or to schedule a visit at your home.