We believe that the Bible is for all to access, read, and grow in faith through. As a result we provide many Bible Study opportunities not only on Sunday mornings in our Education Hour but throughout the week as well.
Students of all ages are welcome to the Family Life Center where there will be community and opportunities to dive into Biblical lessons. Classes are divided into age appropriate classes for more tailored discussions.
"Don't give the enemy a seat at the table"
Justin Cavalier & Brian Smallwood lead a 6 week Sunday morning class. This is an examination on the 23rd Psalm and meets in Room 11 in the High School. All are invited to attend.
The Chosen
Sunday Morning
Jim Webb continues to lead ‘The Chosen video series’
exploring the life of Jesus while here on earth. We meet in the COC-Rm 24 (Library) from 9:45
– 10:45 am. All are invited.
Sunday Morning
Bible Study
Ed Todd leads a Sunday morning class (Romans, A Video Series, 49 Lessons on history, meaning and application by Douglas J. Moo with about two lessons a week.) We meet @ 9:45 am in the High School, Room 5. All are invited to attend.
The Chosen
Monday Morning
Jim Webb continues to lead ‘The Chosen video series exploring the life of Jesus while here on earth. We meet in the COC-Rm 24 (Library) from 10:30 am
– 12:oo pm noon. All are invited.
The Locher in-home Bible Study
We will resume with the study of
Revelation in September, on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 1:30 pm. We meet at the Locher home in On Top of the World. Contact marklocher57@gmail.com for more information and directions.
The North Marion in-home Bible Study
Finishing the Gospel of LUKE and we
meet at Danielson’s and Hernandez’ homes alternately. We meet at 2:30 pm each Friday afternoon and welcome anyone who wants to participate. Call to get current info and location directions. Roger and Sherrill Danielson:
Saturday Afternoon
Bible Class
Pastor Larry Dexheimer will be leading the study of Images of Christians beginning August 17 at 4 PM in the COC-Rm. 24. The 6 lessons (lasting about 12 weeks) will allow for much discussion of the characteristics of New Testament Christians and how we can follow Jesus as they did. Come and enjoy the lively give-and-take discussion.
Jesus and Women
Bible Study
Jesus and Women Bible Study
by Kristi McLelland
A Biblical Culturist
A Women's Study begins
Tuesday, Sept 10th
7:00pm in the Family Life Center
Led by Anette Shanks
Sign up on Website
or the Connection Sheet
Bible Study
Men’s Study
The Men We Need
Based on the book by Brant Hansen
Mondays at 6:30am at Scramble
See Pastor Jeff